Ragging is a Crime,
Condemned by the Nation.
Welcome to Kamala Nehru Womens College,Unit-1,Bhubaneswar,Khurda,Odisha ,"EDUCATION IS NOT THE LEARING OF FACTS,BUT THE TRAINING OF THE MIND TO THINK "- ALBERT EINSTEIN

Indor GYM:-

Kamala Nehru Women's college Provides the Gym Facility for all Students. “A Healthy mind resides in a Healthy Body “, complying with the saying, a professionally managed environment is created for the students. Both Physical and Mental Health play an important role for the wellbeing of an Individual. In tune with the objective of all round development of the students, the campus is equipped with an gymnasium.

It contains world class equipment’s like Weight lifting and strength machines for exercise and work out.

Mrs. Shova Das
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