Ragging is a Crime,
Condemned by the Nation.
Welcome to Kamala Nehru Womens College,Unit-1,Bhubaneswar,Khurda,Odisha ,"EDUCATION IS NOT THE LEARING OF FACTS,BUT THE TRAINING OF THE MIND TO THINK "- ALBERT EINSTEIN

Carreer Councelling Cell:-

There is a career counselling and Placement CELL taking senior faculties to establish linkages with National and State Level BPOs/lndustries for provision of employment facilities for the students.

General Rules

1. The coordinator of this cell shall act as placement officer of the college.

2. The cell is entrusted with the responsibility for liasoning with different B.P.OS for placement of students.

3. The cell shall organise workshops at frequent intervals to make the students aware of their rights and suggest appropriate career choices after the completion of the undergraduate courses.

4. The cell will keep a close touch with the various organisations, B.P.OS, IT centres etc. for placement and career programmes of the students.

5. The cell will communicate the students on various placement opportunities and career oriented courses possible through a separate Notice-Board at the entrance of the College.

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