Ragging is a Crime,
Condemned by the Nation.
Welcome to Kamala Nehru Women’s College,Unit-1,Bhubaneswar,Khurda,Odisha ,"EDUCATION IS NOT THE LEARING OF FACTS,BUT THE TRAINING OF THE MIND TO THINK "- ALBERT EINSTEIN

National Service Scheme (N.S.S):-

There are only one female unit of National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) which was established in the year 1980. It consists of 50 (fifty) volunteers. The goal of N.S.S. is to personality development of volunteers through community service. The enrollment of volunteers is made in the month of August/ September and the (desirous) students have to apply in the prescribed proforma for final selection of volunteership. Normal hourly camps are organised in holidays and off-time of working days and special camps often days are organised during the Vacations. Several kinds of developmental activities are taken up in the streets, villages & outside the campus comprising of Educational, Health & Sanitation, environmental issues.

Specific Objectives:

The specific objectives of N.S.S. are to arouse the students social consciousness and provide her opportunities.

(i) To work with and among the people,

(ii) To engage in non-violent and constructive social activities.

(iii) To engage, her knowledge of herself and the community through a confrontation with reality.

(iv) To gain skills in the exercise of democratic leadership.

(v) There are at least two N.S.S. units in the college consisting of 100 students volunteers for a period of at least five year. There will be one special camp for all the students. Attendance in weekend camps and annual camps is obligatory. Certificates are issued to deserving volunteers.

Code of Conduct for N.S.S. Volunteers :

1. A volunteer should work under the guidance of Programme Officer and Group Leader.

2. She must abide by all the rules of discipline.

3. She must respect the other-man's point of view and make herself worthy of the confidence of the community where she is working.

4. Her dress, diet and disposition should be as simple as possible during her work as volunteer.

5. She should use non-violent and peaceful methods for solution of a problem.

6. It is a part of her duty to promote the N.S.S. objective by practice and example in order to inspire the trust and coordination of the local people.

Project to be undertaken by our college :

1. Planning for better environment and economic development.

2. Adult literacy programme.

3. Construction of home for homeless in slum area.

4. Tree plantation and their preservation in college campus and adopted villages.

5. Planning for child care and children education in slum areas and adopted villages.

6. Planning for health related programmes like Eye Campus, Blood Donation Campus, First Aid Programme and Medical Treatment to Leprosy Patients in slum areas and also adopted villages Family Planning Programme.