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Welcome to Kamala Nehru Women’s College,Unit-1,Bhubaneswar,Khurda,Odisha ,"EDUCATION IS NOT THE LEARING OF FACTS,BUT THE TRAINING OF THE MIND TO THINK "- ALBERT EINSTEIN
Department of PHYSICS

Main vision of department of physics is to impart state-of-the-art knowledge of Physics to create competency and skills. Our department should be in the core of the academical life taking place in our university. Not only the scientific traditions are attached importance to, but also social, democratic and ethical values, the sharing of humankind's common values, critical reasoning and its programs aimed at reinforcing the motivations and skills of its students are considered top priority.

The Physics Department aims at projecting the scientific and technological developments to the society, bring up its students as educated individuals who are adeptly equipped for the life and able to apply for privileged graduate studies.

Employees of the Department of Physics are conducting many physics model exhibition and physics workshop. Our faculty also involved and encouraged the students to do different innovative physics model. Their scientific work is connected with innovative teaching techniques, thus providing a creative and stimulating environment for the education of future generations of physicists.

Department of Physics promotes science at the local community level, it also participates in the developing of educational program for teaching of physics in primary and secondary education, and contribute to the technological development with the objective of sustainable development of economy and society as a whole.


The physics department is committed to impart quality education both in theoretical as well as experimental physics with special emphasis on ‘learning by doing’ for socio-economic growth.

Physics Department considers its mission within the scope of academical excellence and leadership in physical sciences. In this frame, the department's mission is to accumulate the physics knowledge, developing and sharing it in a scientific community that shares common principles; agrees on its goals, is open to innovations; respects and cares for each other as well as bears social responsibility. The department has dedicated itself for lifelong learning through academical and social programs; acquirement of new knowledge through research activities; becoming a strong center of attraction in the national arenas with its undergraduate and M.Sc course.

The Department of Physics also encourages the development of educational physics through primary and secondary education by participating in the development of the curriculum, developing methodology of physics education, teaching aids and textbooks, through lifelong learning programs and training of teachers, and particularly through continued work with students that were recognized as extremely talented.


The PEOs of Physics Department are compatible with the vision and mission of the institute and are as following:

To impart quality education in physics to students so as they become globally competitive physicist.

To make the students to accept the challenges in physics

Effectively disseminate the physics knowledge to coming generations.

To create strong interest in physics so as students can further develop themselves through self-study.

To create a sense of ethical responsibilities among students.

Improve the student’s skills (professional, communication, transferable skills.

Improve the fundamental concepts and advanced techniques of Physics and scientific methodology.

Enhance intellectual, computational, experimental, communication and analytical skills of the students.

Provide the students with the currently modern techniques in Physics.

Enhance the ability of the students to seek and process data from different sources using library and internet.

Offering new and advance research programs.

Improve the post graduate programs offered by the department.

Enhance the collaboration with other universities and research centres.

Sl No
Employee Name
Mrs. Sharon Pradhan
M.Sc, M.Phil
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Mr. Prashanta Kumar Subudhi
M.Sc , M.Phil
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Mr. Amit Kumar Prusty
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Mr. Swaraj Mohammod
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Mr. Pravakar Baral
Lab Attendant
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