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Welcome to Kamala Nehru Women’s College,Unit-1,Bhubaneswar,Khurda,Odisha ,"EDUCATION IS NOT THE LEARING OF FACTS,BUT THE TRAINING OF THE MIND TO THINK "- ALBERT EINSTEIN
Department of Hindi

To impart knowledge of Hindi language as a medium of communication and guide the students for employability through various teaching and evaluation methods in the language and literature.


(i) The mission of the department is to popularize the Hindi language and literature among Hindi speaking and non-Hindi speaking students as medium of communication.

(ii) To impart relevant, good quality of education to the students and inculcate the value of Indian cultural heritage through Hindi language and literature.

(iii)The Department intends to inspire the students through the dissemination of information and knowledge of various disciplines that are available in the Hindi texts.

(iv) Creating a national outlook through the promotion of the Hindi language and literature.

Bringing in elite Hindi exponents for Extra-murals, seminars, and discussions.

Sl No
Employee Name
Reader (SS)
M. A., Ph. D
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Manoram Mishra
Reader (SS)
M.A. Ph.D
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